Video: Quiz-Poll 1x3

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A video/audio player is displayed with questions underneath that can appear in sync with whatever is playing. The video/audio player can provide information to the questions.

  • Game space: 640x240
Q&As Options (# questions x # answers):
  • 1x3
  • 3x3
  • 5x3
  • 10x3
Completion Control Options:
  • Multi-Exit: Exit-level based off of score.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Video
  • Select Game = Video: Quiz-Poll 1x3 Multi-Exit

A video/audio player is displayed with questions underneath that can appear in sync with whatever is playing. The video/audio player can provide information to the questions.

  • Game space: 640x240
Q&As Options (# questions x # answers):
  • 1x3
  • 3x3
  • 5x3
  • 10x3
Completion Control Options:
  • Multi-Exit: Exit-level based off of score.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Video
  • Select Game = Video: Quiz-Poll 1x3 Multi-Exit