Pop 2D: Pick

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Alienware Headphones Pop
Alienware Pop and Pick

Icons float on the game space at various rates allowing players to pick one and exit at a random level. Pressed icons are recorded and stored, game ends when one icon is pressed.

  • Game Space: 640x480
  • Icons (9): 72x72
Completion Control Options:
  • Random win level: 10 random win levels reveal time or odd-based prizes.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Pick (Win Level)
  • Select Game = Pop 2D Pick: Random Win Level

Icons float on the game space at various rates allowing players to pick one and exit at a random level. Pressed icons are recorded and stored, game ends when one icon is pressed.

  • Game Space: 640x480
  • Icons (9): 72x72
Completion Control Options:
  • Random win level: 10 random win levels reveal time or odd-based prizes.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Pick (Win Level)
  • Select Game = Pop 2D Pick: Random Win Level