Memory: 3x4 Icons

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This Simon-Says style memory provides 3 rounds of the game with a number of icons. The game shows a series of flashing icons and the player then tries to repeat the series to score 1 point for each round. This game is moderately challenging, with each round adding 1 additional item to remember for successions of 4,5, then 6 items for the player to recall.

  • Game space: 640x480
  • Pressable Icons: 148x148
Shapes Available:
  • Icons: 4 set graphics grouped in the center of the game space
Completion Control Options:
  • Multi-Exit: Win level based on score achieved.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Skill IQ (Multi-Exit)
  • Select Game = Memory 3x4 Icons: Multiexit

This Simon-Says style memory provides 3 rounds of the game with a number of icons. The game shows a series of flashing icons and the player then tries to repeat the series to score 1 point for each round. This game is moderately challenging, with each round adding 1 additional item to remember for successions of 4,5, then 6 items for the player to recall.

  • Game space: 640x480
  • Pressable Icons: 148x148
Shapes Available:
  • Icons: 4 set graphics grouped in the center of the game space
Completion Control Options:
  • Multi-Exit: Win level based on score achieved.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Skill IQ (Multi-Exit)
  • Select Game = Memory 3x4 Icons: Multiexit