Banner: Quiz Right 3x3

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This quiz mechanic offers the answer options are stacked cards on the right side of the game space, questions on the left. The players' answers are recorded and stored. Specifically sized to be used in banner ads.

  • Game space: 514x428
  • Answer images: 240x120
Completion Control Options:

The 'correct' answer is the 'a' image and is randomized every game as the score is kept track of and shown on the screen.

  • Random Win Level: 10 random win levels reveal time or odd-based prizes.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Banner
  • Select Game = Banner: Quiz 3x3 514x428

This quiz mechanic offers the answer options are stacked cards on the right side of the game space, questions on the left. The players' answers are recorded and stored. Specifically sized to be used in banner ads.

  • Game space: 514x428
  • Answer images: 240x120
Completion Control Options:

The 'correct' answer is the 'a' image and is randomized every game as the score is kept track of and shown on the screen.

  • Random Win Level: 10 random win levels reveal time or odd-based prizes.

To create a campaign of this type:
Login to the CataBoom admin panel, and choose "Create New Campaign", then:
  • Enter the name and URL slug that you wish to use for your new camapaign"
  • Game Category = Banner
  • Select Game = Banner: Quiz 3x3 514x428