May 27, 2022

Gamification in the Workplace—Four Ways to Boost Productivity

What is the easiest way to drive engagement, learning, and performance in a modern office setting? Gamification in the workplace! From employee onboarding to HR analytics, gamification can turn even the most mundane task into an engaging, exciting experience. This, in turn, will result in more engaged and devoted employees.

Although this trend may seem to be a fad, studies show that gamification is here to stay. 70% of top global 2000 companies use this methodology in some form, with 90% of employees saying gamification makes them even more productive. Is there any wonder gamification is slated to grow at a compound annual rate of 12.9% through 2025?

Continued education, goal completion, and employee recognition are just a few ways to layer in gamification at work. Here are four of our favorite ways to use gamification at work:

Gamified Employee Onboarding

Regardless of the industry, every new employee must engage in training and onboarding meetings. But it doesn’t have to be an unengaging experience. By gamifying the process with badge rewards and achievement levels, beginning a new job can be empowering and fun.

Game-Based Learning and Employee Training

Offer your employees ongoing training in a way that’ll make it feel less of a chore. Gamified programs that increase engagement and improve processes include retention quizzes, level-up badges, and physical rewards for finishing courses, from raises to company swag. You can even gamify required certifications, awarding employees a badge upon completion.

Recognition Leaderboards

This useful team-building tool allows workers to empower and recognize each other’s achievements, accruing points along the way. This approach also incentivizes employees and puts the power of recognition directly in their hands.

Goal-Tracking Progress Bars

If your employees work on frequent projects, adding a progress bar can be more rewarding way to accomplish common goals. Plus, progress bars help managers easily keep track of employees’ workloads. Even the most mundane task can feel less daunting by “chipping away” via a goal-tracking progress bar.

Gamification in the Workplace Advantages

The benefits of gamification in the workplace are myriad. According to some estimates, gamification in learning platforms enhances productivity by 50% and increases employee engagement by 60%. And an engaged employee is a loyal employee—one more likely to stay with your company for years.

But any industry can benefit from expert implementation. To avoid turning simple processes into a less than user-friendly experience, turn to a company specializing in gamifying business, like CataBoom. Our experts are adept at identifying which aspects of your business should be gamified to create a more memorable employee experience. Contact us today to schedule a free demo and discover what gamification can do!